Machine Learning in Networking

Parham Alvani



  • Networks needs more intelligence to deploy
  • Traditional networks are distributed
  • Each node, such as router or switch, can only view and act over a small partion of the system.
  • Learning from the nodes that have only a small partial view of the complete system to perform contol beyond the local domain is very complex


  • SDN decouples the control plane and the data plane
  • The network resources in SDN are managed by a logically centralized controller

Software Defined Networking


Machine Learning in SDN

  • Traffic Classification
  • Routing Optimization
  • QoS/QoE Prediction
  • Resource Management
  • Security
  • Traffic classificiation is an important network function, which provides a way to perform fine-grained network management by identifying different flow types.
  • In general supervised and semi-supervised learning algorithms can be used
  • Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) is a common method to label traffic flows, but it incurs high computational cost when a large number of traffic flows are labeled
  • Routing is a fundamental network function
  • Supervised Learning for obtaining the optimal huristic-like routing solution
  • RL algorithms without labeled taining datasets can have flexible optimization targets
  • The state space is composed of network and traffic states
  • QoS prediction aims to discover the quantitative correlations between KPIs and QoS parameters
  • QoS parameters are generally continuous data (Regression)
  • As an example here we can use NN-Model for network delay estimation instead of M/M/1 model
  • QoE prediction aims to discover the quantitative correlations between QoS parameters and QoE values
  • QoE values are generally discrete data (Classification)
  • Efficient network resource management is the primary requirement of network operators to improve network performance
  • The data plane resource allocation problem is generally considered as a decision-making task.
  • RL and ML-based game theory are two effective approaches
  • RL in single-tenancy
  • ML-based game theory in multi-tenancy
  • The mapping between the resource consumption and control message rate is very important for control plane resource allocation
  • An Instrusion Detection System (IDS) is a device or software application and its objective is to monitor the events in a network system and identify possible attacks
  • signature-based IDS and anomaly-based IDS
  • Machine learning methods are widely used in anomaly-based IDS by trainning a model to identify normal activities and intrusions
  • Intrusion detection problem can be considered as a classification task
  • High-quality Training Datasets
  • Distributed Multi-controller Platform
  • Improving Network Security
  • Cross-layer Network Optimization
  • Incrementally Deployed SDN
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